Thursday, November 17, 2011

Soul Calibur

Instead of letting the devil use you like a pawn you were reborn as God's Heaven Spawn. Once you were made new you knew what the devil and sin really were and could put them out of your life. You've been made Light so partnering with the devil or behaving like sin is really not like you. You're not out to take from the Lord but to give back and the main thing you're offering Him is your own life walked out in peace and holiness with all men. You are Heaven's Spawn capable of reproducing the Glory of God in the earth in your own life or in others.

What the Kingdom of God will be in the earth is not finished. This thing is going to be pure ecstasy to build and piece together with other pirates that have to have what's on God's heart. You have the Kingdom treasure within but what God is expressing when we're together or out taking the world goes beyond even our own definitions. The Kingdom is advancing not only through our own efforts but the Holy Spirit in the earth who is revealing Jesus and what He's done and who He's made us to be to the world around us. It is one big party in the Glory that draws people in despite how well we're doing with things. And what we're experiencing now in the Kingdom in the Holy Ghost is only a taste of how good it's to be when Jesus comes in His Kingdom and the Holy Spirit restores everything.

When Jesus commanded us to leave he was telling us to take up our crosses and not just as His Disciples but as His friends. In the next verse He says there's no greater love than to lay down your life for friends and in the next verse calls us His friends. This is not a cross of shame but following the leader who is love. It's the Cross of being compelled or constrained by love, keeping His Words in our hearts and seeing things through to the end. We're laid down lovers not just because He commanded us to be but because He made us friends and showed us how to be laid down lovers. Taking up your cross and following Jesus is not only loving as one of His disciples but loving as one of His friends and seeing where this thing is going to go and having His same fun about it. We don't have to do anything to make Him love us. he's already put His love in us with the life He lived and gave for us. Now, His love lives through us making us do the same things our friend would do.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Good News Of Great Parties

You don't have to work at your salvation to enjoy it. The reality of your salvation and the enjoyment of it has already been taken care of regardless of if you did something bad today. With a new mind and new heart you're able to see yourself as Christ sees you and that's something very warm and loving and drunk of your butt. With Christ it's a constant party that's not bummed out with guilt or indecision because He already gave His all knowing you were going to sin. So not only do we enjoy this bliss of salvation nonstop we celebrate His Gospel and what Jesus has done constantly just seeing what Jesus sees with our born again hearts and minds and the Spirit of God on the inside of us.

We are surrounded by Christ, 'God in the world,' who has accepted us and is not coercing us into any self effort of our own to make ourselves righteous. We don't have to do any other thing to be happy than to accept His salvation in us as a gift. Christ is already out of your belly but He wants to let it out so other people can see you enjoying the Gospel. And Christ is going to be manifesting out of you for a long time because that's who you're going to end up being like, Christ. Christ sits on the throne despite our best efforts in evangelizing the world and Christ is going to help people regardless of how much good Holy Ghost ministry gets put on them. There's more well being being poured out in Christ that any of our best efforts have brought us. Just accept that He's it once and for all.

Christ isn't just sitting in your belly waiting to be stirred up. He lives in you as you and talk with Him. The party doesn't stop. Mostly because of the way Christ sees us and is constantly filling us to the full with His love. Christ is the joy that sets you back on your feet, sets you in heavenly places with Him. Christ can be what's going on in your spirit but He's just as much at home with anybody that comes along as you are. Christ knows you're pure because He's on the inside of you so you're not on a quest to bring that to anybody's attention. You're not looking for Christ any longer. He's found you and He's going to make your life just as comfortable as His was when He was here. Jesus is literally the life of the party. That's it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When Life Gives You Potato Salad Spit It Out, Ferment It And Make Chicha

Nothing can draw me away from God's presence because that's where real Resurrection Life and knowing the Heart of God more intimately for ourselves is. The presence of God is to me what the Garden was to Adam. In the Garden he had an eternal life of power and dominion and he knew God by His presence. He knew God still by His presence after he fell but when he sensed it he just wanted to hide in shame. Not me. Christ took the shame for me on the Cross and with His Resurrection gave me the same kind of Resurrection Life of power and dominion that He, the Second Adam, is living.

Jesus' death for us on the Cross took the shame and guilt that was separating us from God out of the way and in His Resurrection re-established us in the Heavens as Adams or Gods on earth. Resurrection Life is like but not limited to Jesus' life in the earth because we have been resurrected with Him to a higher plane of existence, His life now in Heaven. So now greater things are going to be happening in the Kingdom the world over and we get to be a part of it. Everything is open now and there's no place in Heaven or Earth we can't go and see God's power and love on display.

Jesus was and is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the Resurrection and the Life. His life was and is the Gospel of the Kingdom that says He can not only wash our sins away but bring us back from spiritual death to the Eternal Life Adam had or Resurrection Life in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Gospel is not just a theology or religion that gets you out of Hell and into Heaven (a lot of religions have a heaven and hell) but an actual person and entering life and joy by being brought back into His presence to enjoy the life you would have enjoyed with Him had not Adam lost it. You don't have a lesser Jesus in you than walked the earth. You have the Resurrected Jesus living on the inside of you. That's Resurrection Life.

You are in Him and He is in you in complete union. Jesus' presence in you is nothing but bliss and your presence in Him is the life and joy you were meant for, the miracle you were created to be. You are a new life as God's Son or Daughter and not only is this miraculous because it happened but because it is still happening. You are a walking sign and wonder.