Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Hot Cherry Topping Of The Cross

I'm so hot for Jesus right now I'm going to have to give Him everything I've got. His presence is greater than anything else in this world and my heart is fixated on His love. I've got it so good with God and His interest in me is not how much work He can get out of me but how much love He can put in me. Things are changing still in my heart and soul toward God and myself.

I'm not changing the Gospel to a finished works preach but I do want to finish letting the goodness of God reach to the depths of me. I think we over simplify things with doctrine and forget there's an actual person there. We settle for the doctrine that fills us with a little pride quick instead of going further with the actual person to the point we're filled with the intimate knowledge of Him. God is actually loaded with good times and nothing keeps us from getting our fill. It's just the focus we have whether we're full of Him or full of the world or manifesting the Spirit or manifesting demons.

The Spirit's presence is always central in helping us deal with all things and we get there by getting out of ourselves and out of our minds drunk and just being in His presence and loving it. The devil wants to keep you in your head and into yourself while he piles all kinds of affliction on you but God is saying get out and party in His presence right in the devil's face. A lot of people will get wounded by people and then hold it over other people's heads but God can get rid of that when you just get over yourself and into love while drunk in His presence.There's more to faith than just mental assertion.

It's still the Life of God for me and I get that from His presence, His Throne and what He has spoken. I have this joy or glory even when there's persecution because the life of Jesus in me is a higher life even if I were to die. There's so much intimacy in His presence and that's life and we take that into eternity with us. The beauty of Christ is reflecting out of us and getting the world drunk on His love. It's not a moment by moment decision, though it is, as much as it is Christ having set His affection on us and it pouring through our lives. I want to be with God and God wants to be with me and it's the love of God that pulls it all together and pulls the rest of the world into this love embrace.

There's simply getting excited about Christ and then there is showing Him what you mean by it. Which is drunker? People are always going to want to go deeper and deeper into His intoxicating presence. His love and expressing it back to Him gets addicting. Just when you think you're going to burst He puts something in the pot to sweeten it up. His love will always go down smooth leaving you in a love trance where you want nothing more than to be at His side and get a look at what He's about. Christ can go for hours just with things being like Heaven on earth. We know what His intentions are, to wrap us up in His love embrace forever.

Christ is opening up His arms to us to take Him up on this adventure where we are really His and He is really ours forever. We don't have to fly away when things get too deep for us. As big as Christ is, He is a good and humble person that's not going to leave us out or make things too tough for us. He's not making this fellowship a task or something we keep working at uncomfortably. Relationship with God is Gospel. We have it. It's not getting away from us. Christ wants us in and in love with Him and we just believe it and manifest it all over the place.

You don't have the Gospel yet if you don't have a relationship with Jesus where you're accepted by Him and increasing in intimate knowledge of Him. No grace teaching should be a substitute for the love of the Father and this eternal relationship Jesus revealed to us. Any religious dummy can pick up grace teaching and run with it and still make things miserable. Jesus revealed a relationship from Heaven as it was communicated to Him in real time and now you've entered the same, the Kingdom. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Flavors Of Ecstacy

Within me is enough Jesus for me to manifest the Spirit more than all the revivals of old. I'm moving in this new school river of esctatic joy and bliss and it comes stress free but still erupts like a volcano. Too many people try to work up the fire of God when it starts in Heaven, Jesus sends the fire or baptizes us from Heaven, hits our spirit goes down to our feet and blows our socks off then goes right back to the head and lays us out. I don't have the Glory of God in my life because of any great personal achievement or amount of time spent in prayer but because the Glory is Christian and I'm a Christ-one. The Glory is all in His hands but completely all over me for being a Christ-like one. We try to take things into our hands way too often. One thing we're doing here is starting way too many unnecessary wars when all we have to do is lean into this Bliss and see what God is actually doing.  

I've got a full tank just from getting drunk on God's love and I didn't have to spend hours getting after it and working it up. It's more about hanging out with friends getting drunk in the Glory and manifesting a deeper love and everything than you're used to. This generation is beginning to change into Jesus instead of Church people and I believe we're going to see them take off, literally. God's releasing a harder hit of His manifest love and presence right now than we were going to get individually or thinking religiously for ourselves and just freeing us up to share a Gospel that we know to be happy stuff.

People think of Christ on the Cross to make them do good but He's really just wanting us to enter His high and enjoyment of life. We've entered into heaven with Him so it's not like we have to refill the tank or keep entering in to enjoy Christ to the full because He lives fully in you and you in Him. Somewhere along the line we took the fun out of it and forgot that it was just getting caught up in the Glory and seriously drunk out of our minds and just getting that Christ is a friend. God will get you stone drunk so you see Jesus as an actual person no just some entity being preached at you. It really is to the point now that we can get laid out drunk of love just from friends being around not even praying or preaching it up. 

Christ in us is a greater deal than we can even comprehend and the source of endless satisfaction. I refuse to see myself as a worker that Jesus has bought. I'm a life that He's saved so that there could be endless good times starting now. Jesus poured out His Blood with One Sacrifice for us to see a continually greater outpouring of His Spirit without thinking we had to work it up or shout it out or pray it down or make as many sacrifices as we could to see it. We continually feast on the finished work of the Cross and the power with which He took ahold of us when He was nailed to the Cross.

Christ is literally saying, 'Don't worry, Be Happy!' You don't have to worry that you're not gettign Saved enough because Christ actually died as you so you could live as Him. You don't have to worrry about somehow not getting in on the Baptism of the Spirit enough because when you were Buried in Christ that was actually your Baptism or Buriel into the Ecstatic River of God's Love not having the right guys lay hands on you or having been to the right meetings. And there's no more worries about further secrets to be revealed at un undisclosed date that will really cause Heaven to open because we are Inhabitants of Heaven now and are going to see Heaven exploding on earth just because Christ is in us and we're in love with Him. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New School Revival

Everywhere I go it's like God's targeted me to drop Glory Bombs on my life just because I'm a Holy Ghost Drunk and I have this unusual spectacle like deal with Jesus. I couldn't ask for anything more all pants-ed out with a belly full of fiery red wine and liking every minute of it. Our hearts have collided with Heaven and we don't have any more worries on earth but God Himself. We just want to be left alone to drink deep of the glory and be as filled with God as humanly possible.

There's so much excitement and anticipation over a New Earth and New People coming out of this Drunken Glory Revival. It's a new wineskin and you can see it on people like a new skin or shine on people coming into their own like Adam in the Garden. The streams of this revival are going to mix and match and instead of just being glori-fried we're going to be Glory Trafficers. There are some revivals going on and revial schools now that might be outdated some now but some of them still know how to get down and pass the wine around. We know now we don't need one guy to show us his revelation so we can be anointed because we're already floored with being this drunk.

It's time to get all the way in the River of God's Manifested Love and just never look back or have any regrets. We've got Fresh Bread, Fresh Revelation, that will sit you down at the table and make you drink to your fill without even thinking about it or trying to. Once you get grace and that you can be in the manifested presence or river of God all the time without striving you never want to leave it. You become a captive audience being fed the awe inspiring Manna of Heaven and just sit there impressed with what your Daddy and Heaven are like and all about. Sometimes I just close my eyes like I'm about to pass out in the Glory and just trip way out on forgiveness in the depths of my being. There's more to learn from just being there in the Spirit trancing out and enjoying God than there is from trying to get all the teaching in the world in you.

The people that normally aren't attracted to God and Christianity are being pulled into the Drunken Glory Revival and just hit hard with the heavy drunken glory and being transformed. People are losing their religion and growing in hands on experience of how God actually moves with people. We can take this thing with us and light people up all over the world. The New School Revival is Highly Transferable. Anybody can get this and run with the big dogs and the heavy hitters in the Glory and not be weary and just be impressed with Heaven and not ourselves. People will think you're out of your mind or on drugs or something but this is actually the doing of the Spirit, revival, or what Peter dubbed, 'This Is That.'

God's using people big and small to spread the joy and show the world how much of a difference God can make in life. You see people standing so tall because their faith doesn't stand in some fake religious garbage people have to keep going. They're actually getting in this Glory that's so thick and creamy that it's constantly shifting them from Glory to Glory and this great transformation that everyone's going through ends up affecting nations and transforming regions. We're all rising up against fake Christianity and stuff taking so long to get the world into what we really have. We're inviting the whole world to this big Heavenly Wedding by having our garments on from praising and talking about Jesus so much. There's so much to say from the heart when God is present and active and so much a part of all our lives.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pass The Can-O-Bliss

Caught a whiff of the biggest release in a century,
thank God I found some friends that were carrying the party,
I light it up with 'This Is That' bearing down on my mind,
Belly up to the bar with everything supernatural you'd like to find

I keep running into God just as drunk as I can be,
He told me to stick to the original plan and not let people bother me,
besides I'm not coming down from just thinking about Jesus and what He completely did for me,
Jesus does it for me not doing a bunch of stuff that never sets you free to be

Now I can be laid out in the Glory standing, walking or driving,
I don't pay any attention to anything that doesn't come through love but we'll see the Word in God's timing,
Now when I look at myself I can see Jesus and the Prophet and what I'm called to be,
I've a power to express myself prophetically as the River flowing drunkenly from the Throne of the Almighty

I'm dropping weighty truth that will rapture you out of your mind,
Soul Rebel in the middle of a society that doesn't have a clue about my kind,
people make Church boring and dumb but God made me fun,
Connected to the Christ within us watching Heaven show up on the Kingdom to Come like the Rising Sun

Papa holds the trump card with who He says you really are in love,
Doesn't matter who I run with because I'm getting all messed up and caught up and it's all love,
we'll forget ourselves and pull the whole thing off for the Father Above,
sticking to the mission to save who we can even though God's given the whole world His grace and love

I'm already established in the heavens and from there I work,
Heaven's financial stream flows through my hands without a bit of work,
Got the keys to the whole place to change the atmosphere and give the world a toke,
Sitting outside myself in the glory smoke nothing in this life can make me choke