Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Hot Cherry Topping Of The Cross

I'm so hot for Jesus right now I'm going to have to give Him everything I've got. His presence is greater than anything else in this world and my heart is fixated on His love. I've got it so good with God and His interest in me is not how much work He can get out of me but how much love He can put in me. Things are changing still in my heart and soul toward God and myself.

I'm not changing the Gospel to a finished works preach but I do want to finish letting the goodness of God reach to the depths of me. I think we over simplify things with doctrine and forget there's an actual person there. We settle for the doctrine that fills us with a little pride quick instead of going further with the actual person to the point we're filled with the intimate knowledge of Him. God is actually loaded with good times and nothing keeps us from getting our fill. It's just the focus we have whether we're full of Him or full of the world or manifesting the Spirit or manifesting demons.

The Spirit's presence is always central in helping us deal with all things and we get there by getting out of ourselves and out of our minds drunk and just being in His presence and loving it. The devil wants to keep you in your head and into yourself while he piles all kinds of affliction on you but God is saying get out and party in His presence right in the devil's face. A lot of people will get wounded by people and then hold it over other people's heads but God can get rid of that when you just get over yourself and into love while drunk in His presence.There's more to faith than just mental assertion.

It's still the Life of God for me and I get that from His presence, His Throne and what He has spoken. I have this joy or glory even when there's persecution because the life of Jesus in me is a higher life even if I were to die. There's so much intimacy in His presence and that's life and we take that into eternity with us. The beauty of Christ is reflecting out of us and getting the world drunk on His love. It's not a moment by moment decision, though it is, as much as it is Christ having set His affection on us and it pouring through our lives. I want to be with God and God wants to be with me and it's the love of God that pulls it all together and pulls the rest of the world into this love embrace.

There's simply getting excited about Christ and then there is showing Him what you mean by it. Which is drunker? People are always going to want to go deeper and deeper into His intoxicating presence. His love and expressing it back to Him gets addicting. Just when you think you're going to burst He puts something in the pot to sweeten it up. His love will always go down smooth leaving you in a love trance where you want nothing more than to be at His side and get a look at what He's about. Christ can go for hours just with things being like Heaven on earth. We know what His intentions are, to wrap us up in His love embrace forever.

Christ is opening up His arms to us to take Him up on this adventure where we are really His and He is really ours forever. We don't have to fly away when things get too deep for us. As big as Christ is, He is a good and humble person that's not going to leave us out or make things too tough for us. He's not making this fellowship a task or something we keep working at uncomfortably. Relationship with God is Gospel. We have it. It's not getting away from us. Christ wants us in and in love with Him and we just believe it and manifest it all over the place.

You don't have the Gospel yet if you don't have a relationship with Jesus where you're accepted by Him and increasing in intimate knowledge of Him. No grace teaching should be a substitute for the love of the Father and this eternal relationship Jesus revealed to us. Any religious dummy can pick up grace teaching and run with it and still make things miserable. Jesus revealed a relationship from Heaven as it was communicated to Him in real time and now you've entered the same, the Kingdom. 

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