Saturday, December 3, 2011

Take A Trip On The Wild Side Of Life

We don't want to use the anointing when we can just rest in Jesus in peaceful bliss and let Him do all the work. People are stressed about making themselves Seers and all kinds of stuff just to become more Christ-like. But God's wanting you to relaxe in His love for humanity. Jesus is a person just like you so you're like Him just being who you are. The Glory is all about God's love for humanity. Even the Prophet Bob Jones says the Love and the Glory are the same thing and this is what he got from when he died and went to Heaven. There's so much rest and peaceful love to be enjoyed in God's weighty presence to think this is something we're just working or pressing onward towards. Jesus will make you shine. Don't worry about performing for the religious Church or having to follow along with all their teachings to be in with them. Jesus is making you shine because you're Him to the world.

We all kind of believe God is good but how do we receive it. We rest in His love and glory and get that it's all in our bellies and everything Jesus has done for us is working it's way out of us as His Kingdom in the earth. You can't catch God because He's in you just waiting for you to sit down at His table and have a drink with Him. I can let all the goodness of God be a worship session or I can see that the Kingdom of Heaven is really at hand and that everywhere we go there is Heaven and God's goodness at hand. With Jesus the Glory has come so we're not supposed to feel distance from the Glory because we're in Him and He is in the Glory. There's no life that could match Heaven on earth and it's already here in us. We have Jesus in us and He is in the Glory so there's no separation from the Glory. The Kingdom is still coming but we have the greatest possible life anyone could possibly want inside us now, Heaven. You don't have to lay out on the floor to rest. Just be yourself and know that Jesus is in you and completely in charge and taken care of things.

Jesus has already given you His Kingdom and put it inside you so why pray for hours to receive it or meditate on it's being there. Just relax and get some people to have some fun around you and let it come out. Joy is stronger than you think if you get it going corporately. There is Glory Rain making people happy all over the earth without the big ministries and the big hype and it's just the love that burns in you for Jesus that brings it on. The Church has built Empire but this is all being brought down in love because all things work together for good for those that love Jesus. Joy and bliss flows out of us because we're in love with Jesus not because we're working it up or casting spells over the atmosphere. Jesus already did what was needed for Heaven to show up. Heaven showed up when Jesus did because Jesus was Heaven. You can see Heaven from where you're sitting. It comes in small packages and looks exactly like you. The heavens couldn't be closed over you anymore than they could the Son of God who the Bible says the heavens were open over and the Angels ascended and descended over.

Just burn in the Glory for love for Jesus. Heaven is opened already and thick weighty glory sitting on your chest as God's love for you. Don't make it complicated because then you wont get who you are and who Jesus is and what He came to accomplish. Your eyes have been opened up and what you're seeing is Christ's love for you and all humanity. The peace of God is also the Glory and that peace sits in your heart because all of humanity has been reconciled to God through the Cross and you can feel it and nothing can take that away. We'll never be fear minded towards God again because God is in control and He's Jesus who is living inside us and has everything worked out from the standpoint of the Cross and love. It's a new day and all we have to do is give ourselves to this thing and be wholehearted lovers in union with our lover, Jesus.

I'm taking a trip on the wildside of life this coming February with Justin Abraham's Wildfire - Company of Burning Hearts Team to Germany. These guys have already seen heavy revival in Wales and we are taking it to the streets and to the rest of Europe and spreading the love and family everywhere. I'm going to need support for this trip which is coming up shortly so if you want to help there's a donate link on the right side of my blog which goes through PayPal. Or if you're wanting to help in some other way my phone number is 260-442-5401.   

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Soul Calibur

Instead of letting the devil use you like a pawn you were reborn as God's Heaven Spawn. Once you were made new you knew what the devil and sin really were and could put them out of your life. You've been made Light so partnering with the devil or behaving like sin is really not like you. You're not out to take from the Lord but to give back and the main thing you're offering Him is your own life walked out in peace and holiness with all men. You are Heaven's Spawn capable of reproducing the Glory of God in the earth in your own life or in others.

What the Kingdom of God will be in the earth is not finished. This thing is going to be pure ecstasy to build and piece together with other pirates that have to have what's on God's heart. You have the Kingdom treasure within but what God is expressing when we're together or out taking the world goes beyond even our own definitions. The Kingdom is advancing not only through our own efforts but the Holy Spirit in the earth who is revealing Jesus and what He's done and who He's made us to be to the world around us. It is one big party in the Glory that draws people in despite how well we're doing with things. And what we're experiencing now in the Kingdom in the Holy Ghost is only a taste of how good it's to be when Jesus comes in His Kingdom and the Holy Spirit restores everything.

When Jesus commanded us to leave he was telling us to take up our crosses and not just as His Disciples but as His friends. In the next verse He says there's no greater love than to lay down your life for friends and in the next verse calls us His friends. This is not a cross of shame but following the leader who is love. It's the Cross of being compelled or constrained by love, keeping His Words in our hearts and seeing things through to the end. We're laid down lovers not just because He commanded us to be but because He made us friends and showed us how to be laid down lovers. Taking up your cross and following Jesus is not only loving as one of His disciples but loving as one of His friends and seeing where this thing is going to go and having His same fun about it. We don't have to do anything to make Him love us. he's already put His love in us with the life He lived and gave for us. Now, His love lives through us making us do the same things our friend would do.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Good News Of Great Parties

You don't have to work at your salvation to enjoy it. The reality of your salvation and the enjoyment of it has already been taken care of regardless of if you did something bad today. With a new mind and new heart you're able to see yourself as Christ sees you and that's something very warm and loving and drunk of your butt. With Christ it's a constant party that's not bummed out with guilt or indecision because He already gave His all knowing you were going to sin. So not only do we enjoy this bliss of salvation nonstop we celebrate His Gospel and what Jesus has done constantly just seeing what Jesus sees with our born again hearts and minds and the Spirit of God on the inside of us.

We are surrounded by Christ, 'God in the world,' who has accepted us and is not coercing us into any self effort of our own to make ourselves righteous. We don't have to do any other thing to be happy than to accept His salvation in us as a gift. Christ is already out of your belly but He wants to let it out so other people can see you enjoying the Gospel. And Christ is going to be manifesting out of you for a long time because that's who you're going to end up being like, Christ. Christ sits on the throne despite our best efforts in evangelizing the world and Christ is going to help people regardless of how much good Holy Ghost ministry gets put on them. There's more well being being poured out in Christ that any of our best efforts have brought us. Just accept that He's it once and for all.

Christ isn't just sitting in your belly waiting to be stirred up. He lives in you as you and talk with Him. The party doesn't stop. Mostly because of the way Christ sees us and is constantly filling us to the full with His love. Christ is the joy that sets you back on your feet, sets you in heavenly places with Him. Christ can be what's going on in your spirit but He's just as much at home with anybody that comes along as you are. Christ knows you're pure because He's on the inside of you so you're not on a quest to bring that to anybody's attention. You're not looking for Christ any longer. He's found you and He's going to make your life just as comfortable as His was when He was here. Jesus is literally the life of the party. That's it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When Life Gives You Potato Salad Spit It Out, Ferment It And Make Chicha

Nothing can draw me away from God's presence because that's where real Resurrection Life and knowing the Heart of God more intimately for ourselves is. The presence of God is to me what the Garden was to Adam. In the Garden he had an eternal life of power and dominion and he knew God by His presence. He knew God still by His presence after he fell but when he sensed it he just wanted to hide in shame. Not me. Christ took the shame for me on the Cross and with His Resurrection gave me the same kind of Resurrection Life of power and dominion that He, the Second Adam, is living.

Jesus' death for us on the Cross took the shame and guilt that was separating us from God out of the way and in His Resurrection re-established us in the Heavens as Adams or Gods on earth. Resurrection Life is like but not limited to Jesus' life in the earth because we have been resurrected with Him to a higher plane of existence, His life now in Heaven. So now greater things are going to be happening in the Kingdom the world over and we get to be a part of it. Everything is open now and there's no place in Heaven or Earth we can't go and see God's power and love on display.

Jesus was and is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the Resurrection and the Life. His life was and is the Gospel of the Kingdom that says He can not only wash our sins away but bring us back from spiritual death to the Eternal Life Adam had or Resurrection Life in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Gospel is not just a theology or religion that gets you out of Hell and into Heaven (a lot of religions have a heaven and hell) but an actual person and entering life and joy by being brought back into His presence to enjoy the life you would have enjoyed with Him had not Adam lost it. You don't have a lesser Jesus in you than walked the earth. You have the Resurrected Jesus living on the inside of you. That's Resurrection Life.

You are in Him and He is in you in complete union. Jesus' presence in you is nothing but bliss and your presence in Him is the life and joy you were meant for, the miracle you were created to be. You are a new life as God's Son or Daughter and not only is this miraculous because it happened but because it is still happening. You are a walking sign and wonder. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Hot Cherry Topping Of The Cross

I'm so hot for Jesus right now I'm going to have to give Him everything I've got. His presence is greater than anything else in this world and my heart is fixated on His love. I've got it so good with God and His interest in me is not how much work He can get out of me but how much love He can put in me. Things are changing still in my heart and soul toward God and myself.

I'm not changing the Gospel to a finished works preach but I do want to finish letting the goodness of God reach to the depths of me. I think we over simplify things with doctrine and forget there's an actual person there. We settle for the doctrine that fills us with a little pride quick instead of going further with the actual person to the point we're filled with the intimate knowledge of Him. God is actually loaded with good times and nothing keeps us from getting our fill. It's just the focus we have whether we're full of Him or full of the world or manifesting the Spirit or manifesting demons.

The Spirit's presence is always central in helping us deal with all things and we get there by getting out of ourselves and out of our minds drunk and just being in His presence and loving it. The devil wants to keep you in your head and into yourself while he piles all kinds of affliction on you but God is saying get out and party in His presence right in the devil's face. A lot of people will get wounded by people and then hold it over other people's heads but God can get rid of that when you just get over yourself and into love while drunk in His presence.There's more to faith than just mental assertion.

It's still the Life of God for me and I get that from His presence, His Throne and what He has spoken. I have this joy or glory even when there's persecution because the life of Jesus in me is a higher life even if I were to die. There's so much intimacy in His presence and that's life and we take that into eternity with us. The beauty of Christ is reflecting out of us and getting the world drunk on His love. It's not a moment by moment decision, though it is, as much as it is Christ having set His affection on us and it pouring through our lives. I want to be with God and God wants to be with me and it's the love of God that pulls it all together and pulls the rest of the world into this love embrace.

There's simply getting excited about Christ and then there is showing Him what you mean by it. Which is drunker? People are always going to want to go deeper and deeper into His intoxicating presence. His love and expressing it back to Him gets addicting. Just when you think you're going to burst He puts something in the pot to sweeten it up. His love will always go down smooth leaving you in a love trance where you want nothing more than to be at His side and get a look at what He's about. Christ can go for hours just with things being like Heaven on earth. We know what His intentions are, to wrap us up in His love embrace forever.

Christ is opening up His arms to us to take Him up on this adventure where we are really His and He is really ours forever. We don't have to fly away when things get too deep for us. As big as Christ is, He is a good and humble person that's not going to leave us out or make things too tough for us. He's not making this fellowship a task or something we keep working at uncomfortably. Relationship with God is Gospel. We have it. It's not getting away from us. Christ wants us in and in love with Him and we just believe it and manifest it all over the place.

You don't have the Gospel yet if you don't have a relationship with Jesus where you're accepted by Him and increasing in intimate knowledge of Him. No grace teaching should be a substitute for the love of the Father and this eternal relationship Jesus revealed to us. Any religious dummy can pick up grace teaching and run with it and still make things miserable. Jesus revealed a relationship from Heaven as it was communicated to Him in real time and now you've entered the same, the Kingdom. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Flavors Of Ecstacy

Within me is enough Jesus for me to manifest the Spirit more than all the revivals of old. I'm moving in this new school river of esctatic joy and bliss and it comes stress free but still erupts like a volcano. Too many people try to work up the fire of God when it starts in Heaven, Jesus sends the fire or baptizes us from Heaven, hits our spirit goes down to our feet and blows our socks off then goes right back to the head and lays us out. I don't have the Glory of God in my life because of any great personal achievement or amount of time spent in prayer but because the Glory is Christian and I'm a Christ-one. The Glory is all in His hands but completely all over me for being a Christ-like one. We try to take things into our hands way too often. One thing we're doing here is starting way too many unnecessary wars when all we have to do is lean into this Bliss and see what God is actually doing.  

I've got a full tank just from getting drunk on God's love and I didn't have to spend hours getting after it and working it up. It's more about hanging out with friends getting drunk in the Glory and manifesting a deeper love and everything than you're used to. This generation is beginning to change into Jesus instead of Church people and I believe we're going to see them take off, literally. God's releasing a harder hit of His manifest love and presence right now than we were going to get individually or thinking religiously for ourselves and just freeing us up to share a Gospel that we know to be happy stuff.

People think of Christ on the Cross to make them do good but He's really just wanting us to enter His high and enjoyment of life. We've entered into heaven with Him so it's not like we have to refill the tank or keep entering in to enjoy Christ to the full because He lives fully in you and you in Him. Somewhere along the line we took the fun out of it and forgot that it was just getting caught up in the Glory and seriously drunk out of our minds and just getting that Christ is a friend. God will get you stone drunk so you see Jesus as an actual person no just some entity being preached at you. It really is to the point now that we can get laid out drunk of love just from friends being around not even praying or preaching it up. 

Christ in us is a greater deal than we can even comprehend and the source of endless satisfaction. I refuse to see myself as a worker that Jesus has bought. I'm a life that He's saved so that there could be endless good times starting now. Jesus poured out His Blood with One Sacrifice for us to see a continually greater outpouring of His Spirit without thinking we had to work it up or shout it out or pray it down or make as many sacrifices as we could to see it. We continually feast on the finished work of the Cross and the power with which He took ahold of us when He was nailed to the Cross.

Christ is literally saying, 'Don't worry, Be Happy!' You don't have to worry that you're not gettign Saved enough because Christ actually died as you so you could live as Him. You don't have to worrry about somehow not getting in on the Baptism of the Spirit enough because when you were Buried in Christ that was actually your Baptism or Buriel into the Ecstatic River of God's Love not having the right guys lay hands on you or having been to the right meetings. And there's no more worries about further secrets to be revealed at un undisclosed date that will really cause Heaven to open because we are Inhabitants of Heaven now and are going to see Heaven exploding on earth just because Christ is in us and we're in love with Him. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New School Revival

Everywhere I go it's like God's targeted me to drop Glory Bombs on my life just because I'm a Holy Ghost Drunk and I have this unusual spectacle like deal with Jesus. I couldn't ask for anything more all pants-ed out with a belly full of fiery red wine and liking every minute of it. Our hearts have collided with Heaven and we don't have any more worries on earth but God Himself. We just want to be left alone to drink deep of the glory and be as filled with God as humanly possible.

There's so much excitement and anticipation over a New Earth and New People coming out of this Drunken Glory Revival. It's a new wineskin and you can see it on people like a new skin or shine on people coming into their own like Adam in the Garden. The streams of this revival are going to mix and match and instead of just being glori-fried we're going to be Glory Trafficers. There are some revivals going on and revial schools now that might be outdated some now but some of them still know how to get down and pass the wine around. We know now we don't need one guy to show us his revelation so we can be anointed because we're already floored with being this drunk.

It's time to get all the way in the River of God's Manifested Love and just never look back or have any regrets. We've got Fresh Bread, Fresh Revelation, that will sit you down at the table and make you drink to your fill without even thinking about it or trying to. Once you get grace and that you can be in the manifested presence or river of God all the time without striving you never want to leave it. You become a captive audience being fed the awe inspiring Manna of Heaven and just sit there impressed with what your Daddy and Heaven are like and all about. Sometimes I just close my eyes like I'm about to pass out in the Glory and just trip way out on forgiveness in the depths of my being. There's more to learn from just being there in the Spirit trancing out and enjoying God than there is from trying to get all the teaching in the world in you.

The people that normally aren't attracted to God and Christianity are being pulled into the Drunken Glory Revival and just hit hard with the heavy drunken glory and being transformed. People are losing their religion and growing in hands on experience of how God actually moves with people. We can take this thing with us and light people up all over the world. The New School Revival is Highly Transferable. Anybody can get this and run with the big dogs and the heavy hitters in the Glory and not be weary and just be impressed with Heaven and not ourselves. People will think you're out of your mind or on drugs or something but this is actually the doing of the Spirit, revival, or what Peter dubbed, 'This Is That.'

God's using people big and small to spread the joy and show the world how much of a difference God can make in life. You see people standing so tall because their faith doesn't stand in some fake religious garbage people have to keep going. They're actually getting in this Glory that's so thick and creamy that it's constantly shifting them from Glory to Glory and this great transformation that everyone's going through ends up affecting nations and transforming regions. We're all rising up against fake Christianity and stuff taking so long to get the world into what we really have. We're inviting the whole world to this big Heavenly Wedding by having our garments on from praising and talking about Jesus so much. There's so much to say from the heart when God is present and active and so much a part of all our lives.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pass The Can-O-Bliss

Caught a whiff of the biggest release in a century,
thank God I found some friends that were carrying the party,
I light it up with 'This Is That' bearing down on my mind,
Belly up to the bar with everything supernatural you'd like to find

I keep running into God just as drunk as I can be,
He told me to stick to the original plan and not let people bother me,
besides I'm not coming down from just thinking about Jesus and what He completely did for me,
Jesus does it for me not doing a bunch of stuff that never sets you free to be

Now I can be laid out in the Glory standing, walking or driving,
I don't pay any attention to anything that doesn't come through love but we'll see the Word in God's timing,
Now when I look at myself I can see Jesus and the Prophet and what I'm called to be,
I've a power to express myself prophetically as the River flowing drunkenly from the Throne of the Almighty

I'm dropping weighty truth that will rapture you out of your mind,
Soul Rebel in the middle of a society that doesn't have a clue about my kind,
people make Church boring and dumb but God made me fun,
Connected to the Christ within us watching Heaven show up on the Kingdom to Come like the Rising Sun

Papa holds the trump card with who He says you really are in love,
Doesn't matter who I run with because I'm getting all messed up and caught up and it's all love,
we'll forget ourselves and pull the whole thing off for the Father Above,
sticking to the mission to save who we can even though God's given the whole world His grace and love

I'm already established in the heavens and from there I work,
Heaven's financial stream flows through my hands without a bit of work,
Got the keys to the whole place to change the atmosphere and give the world a toke,
Sitting outside myself in the glory smoke nothing in this life can make me choke

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Highest Times

Here we are at the cusp of doing something truly great for each other on the heels of feeling too self-important for ourselves. Why? Because anyone can demonstrate power for the Gospel's sake but once you show people the unity in community that we have you're bringing them fully into Christ. Felt called to bliss? That's because you are. We're called to walk in peaceful bliss with everybody, every body. This is the Ministry of Reconciliation, that you share how reconciled we are to the Jesus and Bliss and Heaven we have in each other. Fully living on earth is seeing this love spread like a wildfire through all of us the same way Jesus fully lived on earth just so we would see the fullness of the love and grace of God in Him.

The adventure is just beginning and we can go after it as much as we want. Actually, the party, the Kingdom, is already inside of us but we want to see it consume the world. Some people say crucify your soul, it's worthless. But once you've seen the goodness of the Kingdom of Heaven come your way and surrendered your soul to the King it's like a tree that's been planted in the Garden of Eden and the river of pleasure causes your soul to flourish. You don't have to crucify your personality to reach mystic status. Once your Will is back in the hands of the Creator and planted in the Kingdom you can be who you want to be and do what you want to do but for real this time. God's been busy making everything more fun and pleasurable here with the River of Pleasure He's put inside us, the Heavenly Glory He's releasing and the New Wine He's pouring out. And if we want to be like Him and make everything fun we could make our Crusades one of a kind adventures instead of rigid work and our missions trips complete joy rides where all we worry about is the fullness of God's love. We will be satisfied from being like Him because He is a Happy God. 

Nothing is stopping us from having all the fun in the world. The party is only stopping in the heads of the few people that run Church buildings because they think they're the life of the party. They're not. They're spoil sports that can't have their way enough leaving things broke, busted and disgusted because you don't do it for them enough and you're not doing it fast enough. And if you don't think they're self-important enough to do everything they ask for then they are sure going to bring in someone who is self-important enough for you to get the job done. But guess what! You are the Kingdom and the party belongs in the hands of the people. We're not following some revelation one man has as much as we're following the love of Jesus that's inside each of us. Instead of just keeping up with one person in a Church building who we make sick we could be keeping up with the fullness of God in His love in each of us at House Parties where God is making everybody happy and everybody has something to say. 

Communities are about to get united, not only within themselves in the love of Jesus within, but with other Happy Gospel Communities all over. And once this happens there's no stopping us. We'll put on the biggest festivals with Happy DJ's from communities all over and rock cities to the bone with Gospel Bliss. We'll travel the world over and live it up together and nothing will stop us as the Gospel turns the hurting to the happy. In the end it wont be man's best efforts. It will be a united front that only has to show up and party.

It's the Highest of Times. We're not going to make it happen. First we're going to enter into it, Heaven now, and then we're going to kick back and let the Lord do His thing. Go on and get comfy because God is who He is and you get to see Him fully manifested in the person of Jesus. God likes it when we're ourselves. God likes it when He can leave the choices with us and our personalities mix and match and flood the earth together. He's in no hurry to get us off the earth or just make us do a bunch of stuff. What He is happy about is that we can spread the Gospel with ease now with no self effort. God always picks the wildest sorts. Why does the soul have to be tamed down with religion. Nothing wrong with having a little Go with your Gospel and my go is telling me it's time to live it up and do Crusades and Glorious Gospel Meetings in places that I seriously want to party like Hawaii or the Isalnds of the East Indies.

For some people we're not off the hook yet unless you know that you're hooked on Jesus. Not just hooked on what he can do for you but hooked on a way of life that's way beyond the means of anything you've seen on earth.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Confessions of a Wildman

Where there is wildfire the breakthrough will follow. The wildfires of Heaven spread across the globe demonstrating the power and love of the Gospel. Some say the eyes are the window to the soul. What I see is the eyes being the window to Heaven and people sharing the vision of their spirit and what they see spiritually for people with the world around them as an open door or, in this case, window. God's releasing things that will take us straight to the Throne Room the way Jesus was sent to earth to take us all within the veil into Heaven. Great deliverance is coming but not so we can be religious but free from religion so we're a family to each other that's delivering and bringing others into the family from the communities around us.

The great deal about the fear of the Lord is not that we can publicly put each other down with it but that privately we all mean a great deal to each other because of it. While the Church continues to be blinded by it's arrogance the real glaring needs of people continue to go unmet. While the Church has had some fire it's never been put in a place where there was anything more important than having a meeting or hearing a speaker. Well, you say, the fire flows into our worship times together or out into the mission fields. Well, I say, let's not play with these things like toys that catch our fancy once in a while. Let's party with these two in the Glory like the party don't stop. Let's put on the biggest shows in the world and travel the globe together like the world is our oyster. If Christ is at the center of our lives then there's a party waiting and pleasures forever more in His hand. Power to the people starts with putting the party in the hands of the people. And the whole thing is connected by us getting to know ourselves and each other increasingly through our media and missions.

What I call the Nexus Generation from Ephesians 4:13 is upon us and with it the fullness of Christ. The Church is going to walk in such a level of Glory and Breakthrough, Fire and Miracles and such Connectedness that it's going to be hard for the world to miss what's going on. They will know us by our love and know the love of God by the miracles. They wont be able to miss it, our love for each other and connectedness and all the miracles everywhere.

There's no question that we're in Heaven now. Believers have passed through the veil with Jesus and entered into heaven with Him. And the same way there is work in Heaven, the Angels are Ministers sent on assignments, our work 'is' Heaven. It's called the Ministry of Reconciliation. We go in and out of Heaven bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth as Kingly Priests and bringing and reconciling the earth to Heaven as the Intercessory Priest who stands in the gap or enters in for other people or for whole cities. Our work is Heaven and everything is made easier by the Glory, literally.

We're helping people get lifted not stacking more burdens on top of theirs. Christ has done the heavy lifting. We're just standing in His place and going in and out as Him. Like the 23rd Psalm we're seated with Jesus at Christ's communion table and the Glory is flowing out and taking care of all the work. All we have to do is 'Be' in Him and drink up. In Him we live and move and have our being, Acts 17:28. Through Jesus we're going in and out of Heaven and finding pleasure, John 10:9.

Just like Jesus there's a lot of fire in your eyes for the total transformation of mankind and this will be the greatest miracle ever, our transformation back into Gods and resurrection back into our rightful place as Rulers of the Universe. This fire in your eyes makes you a Wildman to people you meet but you're never at a loss for words, always helping people get the picture, and the fire on your life is straight from Heaven so there's always breakthrough no matter what you do.

I want to see an army that can't see itself for the Glory with armed Angels standing all around that no matter the odds never loses sight of what Jesus has done for them. An army that is on top of every situation in Christ and in every corner of the earth, a media and missions army. Even though there is a count-erfeit army that just counts it's blessings and acts self-important, the real army is on the rise that's going to see people as the target as much as Heaven and that's because you can have as much Jesus as you want if you can see the Jesus in those around you and share Him with them. There's a Revolutionary Army on the rise because the regular army has been stupid and just going after itself. This army sees love as the one thing that will fix everything.